Alexei Panshin's The Abyss of Wonder



1.  Bibliography of Critical Works on the Field of Science Fiction

    A few other such books have been published, but these are the ones that I have found to be of interest and of use.

    Amis, Kingsley.  NEW MAPS OF HELL.  Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1960.
    Atheling, William, Jr. [James Blish].  THE ISSUE AT HAND.  Advent:Publishers, Chicago, 1964.
    Bretnor, Reginald, ed.  MODERN SCIENCE FICTION.  Coward-McCann, Inc., New York, 1953.
    Davenport, Basil.  INQUIRY INTO SCIENCE FICTION.  Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1955.
    Davenport, Basil, and others.  THE SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL.  Advent:Publishers, Chicago, 1959.
    De Camp, L. Sprague.  SCIENCE-FICTION HANDBOOK.  Hermitage House, New York, 1953.
    Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur, ed.  OF WORLDS BEYOND.  Fantasy Press, Reading, Pa., 1947; Advent:Publishers, Chicago, 1964.
    Knight, Damon.  IN SEARCH OF WONDER.  Advent:Publishers, Chicago, 1956; rev. ed., 1967.
    Moskowitz, Sam.  EXPLORERS OF THE INFINITE.  World Publishing Co., Cleveland, 1963.
    Moskowitz, Sam.  SEEKERS OF TOMORROW.  World Publishing Co., Cleveland, 1965.
    Rogers, Alva.  A REQUIEM FOR ASTOUNDING.  Advent:Publishers, Chicago, 1964.

2.  Chronological Bibliography of Science Fiction by Robert Heinlein

    Included are the first publication of short stories, original paperback editions, and all hardcover titles published in the United States.

Life-Line Astounding Science Fiction, Aug. 1939
Misfit Astounding Science Fiction, Nov. 1939

Requiem Astounding Science Fiction, Jan. 1940
"If This Goes On--" Astounding Science Fiction, Feb., March 1940
"Let There Be Light" Super Science Stories, May 1940 (by Lyle Monroe)
The Roads Must Roll Astounding Science Fiction, June 1940
Coventry Astounding Science Fiction, July 1940
Blowups Happen Astounding Science Fiction, Sept. 1940
The Devil Makes the Law 
    (Magic, Inc.)
Unknown, Sept. 1940

Sixth Column Astounding Science Fiction, Jan., Feb., March 1941 (by Anson MacDonald)
"And He Built a Crooked House" Astounding Science Fiction, Feb. 1941
Logic of Empire Astounding Science Fiction, March 1941
Beyond Doubt Astonishing Stories, April 1941 (by Lyle Monroe and Elma Wentz)
They Unknown, April 1941
Solution Unsatisfactory Astounding Science Fiction, May 1941 (by Anson MacDonald)
Universe Astounding Science Fiction, May 1941
Methuselah's Children Astounding Science Fiction, July, Aug., Sept. 1941
"--We Also Walk Dogs" Astounding Science Fiction, July 1941 (by Anson MacDonald)
Astounding Science Fiction, Sept. 1941 (by Caleb Saunders)
By His Bootstraps Astounding Science Fiction, Oct. 1941 (by Anson MacDonald)
Common Sense Astounding Science Fiction, Oct. 1941
Lost Legion 
    (Lost Legacy)
Super Science Stories, Nov. 1941 (by Lyle Monroe)

"My Object All Sublime" Future, Feb. 1942 (by Lyle Monroe)
Goldfish Bowl Astounding Science Fiction, March 1942 (by Anson MacDonald)
Pied Piper Astonishing Stories, March 1942 (by Lyle Monroe)
Beyond This Horizon Astounding Science Fiction, April, May 1942 (by Anson MacDonald)
Waldo Astounding Science Fiction, Aug. 1942 (by Anson MacDonald)
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag Unknown Worlds, Oct. 1942 (by John Riverside)

no fiction published

The Green Hills of Earth Saturday Evening Post, Feb. 8, 1947
Space Jockey Saturday Evening Post, April 26, 1947
Columbus Was a Dope Startling Stories, May 1947 (by Lyle Monroe)
It's Great to Be Back Saturday Evening Post, July 26, 1947
Jerry Is a Man 
    (Jerry Was a Man)
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Oct. 1947
Water Is for Washing Argosy, Nov. 1947
ROCKET SHIP GALILEO Scribner's (original juvenile novel)

The Black Pits of Luna Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 10, 1948
Gentlemen, Be Seated! Argosy, May 1948
Ordeal in Space Town and Countiy, May 1948
BEYOND THIS HORIZON Fantasy Press (novel, serialized 1942)
SPACE CADET Scribner's (original juvenile novel)

Our Fair City Weird Tales, Jan. 1949
Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon Boys' Life, April, May 1949
Gulf Astounding Science Fiction, Nov., Dec. 1949
Delilah and the Space-Rigger Blue Book, Dec. 1949
The Long Watch American Legion Magazine, Dec. 1949
RED PLANET Scribner's (original juvenile novel)
SIXTH COLUMN Gnome Press (novel, serialized 1941)

Satellite Scout 
    (Farmer in the Sky)
Boys' Life, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. 1950
Destination Moon Short Stories Magazine, Sept. 1950
The Man Who Sold the Moon (original story in book of the same title)
FARMER IN THE SKY Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1950)
THE MAN WHO SOLD THE MOON Shasta (collection: Life-Line, 1939; "Let There Be Light," 1940; The Roads Must Roll, 1940; Blowups Happen, 1940; The Man Who Sold the Moon, 1950; Requiem, 1940)
WALDO AND MAGIC, INC. Doubleday (two stories, 1940 and 1942)

Planets in Combat 
    (Between Planets)
Blue Book, Sept., Oct. 1951
The Puppet Masters Galaxy Science Fiction, Sept., Oct., Nov. 1951
BETWEEN PLANETS Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1951)
THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH Shasta (collection: Delilah and the Space-Rigger, 1949; Space Jockey, 1947; The Long Watch, 1949; Gentlemen, Be Seated, 1948; The Black Pits of Luna, 1948; "It's Great to Be Back!," 1947; "--We Also Walk Dogs," 1941; Ordeal in Space, 1948; The Green Hills of Earth, 1947; Logic of Empire, 1941)
THE PUPPET MASTERS Doubleday (novel, serialized 1951)
TOMORROW, THE STARS Doubleday (anthology, edited by Robert A. Heinlein)
UNIVERSE Dell (paperback edition of 1941 story)

The Year of the Jackpot Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1952
Tramp Space Ship 
    (The Rolling Stones)
Boys' Life, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. 1952
THE ROLLING STONES Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1952)

Project Nightmare Amazing Stories, April 1953
Sky Lift Imagination, Nov. 1953
ASSIGNMENT IN ETERNITY Fantasy Press (collection: Gulf, 1949; Elsewhen, 1941; Lost Legacy, 1941; Jerry Was a Man, 1947)
REVOLT IN 2100 Shasta (collection: "If This Goes On--," 1940; Coventry, 1940; Misfit, 1939)
STARMAN JONES Scribner's (original juvenile novel)

Star Lummox 
    (The Star Beast)
Fantasy and Science Fiction, May, June, July 1954
THE STAR BEAST Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1954)

TUNNEL IN THE SKY Scribner's (original juvenile novel)

Double Star Astounding Science Fiction, Feb., March, April 1956
The Door Into Summer Fantasy and Science Fiction, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1956
DOUBLE STAR Doubleday (novel, serialized 1956)
TIME FOR THE STARS Scribner's (original juvenile novel)

The Menace from Earth Fantasy and Science Fiction, Aug. 1957
Citizen of the Galaxy Astounding Science Fiction, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. 1957
The Elephant Circuit 
    (The Man Who Traveled 
      in Elephants)
Saturn, Oct. 1957
CITIZEN OF THE GALAXY Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1957)
THE DOOR INTO SUMMER Doubleday (novel, serialized 1956)

Tenderfoot in Space Boys' Life, May, June, July 1958
Have Space Suit--Will Travel Fantasy and Science Fiction, Aug., Sept., Oct. 1958
HAVE SPACE SUIT--WILL TRAVEL Scribner's (juvenile novel, serialized 1958)
METHUSELAH'S CHILDREN Gnome Press (novel, serialized 1941)

"All You Zombies--" Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1959
Starship Soldier 
    (Starship Troopers)
Fantasy and Science Fiction, Oct., Nov., 1959
THE MENACE FROM EARTH Gnome Press (collection: The Year of the Jackpot, 1952; By His Bootstraps, 1941; Columbus Was a Dope, 1947; The Menace from Earth, 1957; Sky Lift, 1953; Goldfish Bowl, 1942; Project Nightmare, 1953; Water Is for Washing, 1947)
STARSHIP TROOPERS Putnam (juvenile novel, serialized 1959)
THE UNPLEASANT PROFESSION OF JONATHAN HOAG Gnome Press (collection: The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 1942; The Man Who Traveled in Elephants, 1957; "All You Zombies--," 1959; They, 1941; Our Fair City, 1948; "And He Built a Crooked House," 1940)

no fiction published

STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND Putnam (original novel)

Searchlight Scientific American, Aug. 1962, and other magazines (advertisement)
Podkayne of Mars If, Nov. 1962, Jan., March 1963

Glory Road Fantasy and Science Fiction, July, Aug., Sept. 1963
GLORY ROAD Putnam (novel, serialized 1963)
PODKAYNE OF MARS Putnam (juvenile novel, serialized 1962-3)

Farnham's Freehold If, July, Sept., Oct. 1964
FARNHAM'S FREEHOLD Putnam (novel, serialized 1964)
ORPHANS OF THE SKY Putnam (collection: Universe, 1941; Common Sense, 1941)

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress If, Dec. 1965, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr. 1966
THREE BY HEINLEIN Doubleday (omnibus: The Puppet Masters, 1951; Waldo, 1942; Magic, Inc., 1940)

Free Men (original short story in THE WORLDS OF ROBERT A. HEINLEIN)
THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS Putnam (novel, serialized 1965-6)
THE WORLDS OF ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Ace Books (paperback collection: Free Men, 1966; Blowups Happen, 1940; Searchlight, 1962; Life-Line, 1939; Solution Unsatisfactory, 1941)

THE PAST THROUGH TOMORROW Putnam (the Future History, revised and nearly complete: Life-Line, 1939; The Roads Must Roll, 1940; Blowups Happen, 1940; The Man Who Sold the Moon, 1950; Delilah and the Space-Rigger, 1949; Space Jockey, 1947; Requiem, 1940; The Long Watch, 1949; Gentlemen, Be Seated, 1948; The Black Pits of Luna, 1948; "It's Great to Be Back!," 1947; "--We Also Walk Dogs," 1941; Searchlight, 1962; Ordeal in Space, 1948. The Green Hills of Earth, 1947; Logic of Empire, 1941; The Menace from Earth, 1957; "If This Goes On--," 1940; Coventry, 1940; Misfit, 1939; Methuselah's Children, 1941)
3.  Chronological Bibliography of Non-Fiction by Robert Heinlein
The Discovery of the Future Guest of Honor speech, Third World Science Fiction Convention, Denver

Back of the Moon Article, Elks Magazine, January 1947
Flight into the Future Article, Collier's, August 30, 1947 (with Caleb B. Laning)
On the Writing of Speculative Fiction Essay, OF WORLDS BEYOND

Shooting "Destination Moon" Article, Astounding Science Fiction, July 1950

Where To? Article, Galaxy Science Fiction, Feb. 1952
Ray Guns and Rocket Ships Article, School Library Association of California Bulletin, Nov. 1952

Concerning Stories Never Written Preface, REVOLT IN 2100

As I See Tomorrow Article, Amazing Stories, April 1956

Who Are the Heirs of Patrick Henry? Advertisement, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, April 13, 1958

Science Fiction: Its Nature, Faults and Virtues Essay, THE SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL

Pravda Means "Truth" Article, American Mercury, October 1960

The Future Revisited Guest of Honor speech, Nineteenth World Science Fiction Convention, Seattle

All Aboard the Gemini Article, Popular Mechanics, May 1963

Pandora's Box Introduction, THE WORLDS OF ROBERT A. HEINLEIN


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