Timeline of
the recent visions |
Dates | Dominant visions | Countercultural visions |
Emergent (and shadow) visions | Blog entries |
The Reason (and Science) Counterculture, 1733-62 | ||||
1733-43 | Emanation-and-hierarchy partnership
collapses Emanation vision fails, hierarchy sidelined |
counterculture Science vision develops rapidly and influences reason |
a center of speculation Flaws in reason sow first seeds of chaos |
VII(a) |
1743-62 | Hierarchy reformulated under influence of science in non-religious terms | Reason
grows cynical and less radical Science flourishes |
popular, tied to science, then falters c. 1751 More explicit hints of chaos |
XI(b) |
The Hierarchy-and-Reason Partnership, 1762-1847 | ||||
1762-76 | Hierarchy-and-reason partnership forms (enlightened despots) | Science subordinated to hierarchy-and-reason | Democracy becomes a full-fledged vision, touched by intimations of chaos | VII(a), IX(b) |
1776-94 | Hierarchy-and-reason
at its peak of dominance Ends with romantic break (revolution) |
Science takes on greater structure | Romantic break - French Revolution, Industrial Revolution | XIII(b), XIII(c) |
1794-1830 | Growing
doubts about hierarchy-and-reason |
Science and democracy grow rebellious | Romantic peak - democracy and proto-chaos (Gothic novels) taking shape | |
1830-47 | Hierarchy-and-reason recovers but rigid and ideological | Science-based counterculture emerging | ||
The Science (and Democracy) Counterculture, 1847-66 | ||||
1847-54 | Hierarchy-and-reason partnership collapses Hierarchy vision fails, reason sidelined |
counterculture Democracy vision develops rapidly and influences science |
a center of speculation Flaws in science sow first seeds of holism |
VII(a), X(d) |
1854-66 | Reason reformulated under influence of democracy in more egalitarian terms | Science
grows cynical and less radical Democracy flourishes |
popular, tied to democracy - then falters c. 1859 More explicit hints of holism |
VII(b), VII(c) |
The Reason-and-Science Partnership, 1866-1915 | ||||
1866-74 | Reason-and-science partnership forms
(European colonial powers) |
Democracy subordinated to reason-and-science | Chaos becomes a full-fledged vision, touched by intimations of holism | VII(a), VII(d), IX(a) |
1874-83 | Reason-and-science
at its peak of dominance Ends with romantic break (occultism, fundamentalism) |
Democracy takes on greater structure | Romantic
break - occultism, second wave of revolutionary fervor |
XIII(a), XIII(b) |
1883-1901 | Growing
doubts about reason-and-science |
Democracy grows rebellions | Romantic peak - chaos and proto-holism (vitalism) taking shape | VI(c) |
1901-15 | Reason-and-science recovers but rigid and ideological | Democracy-based counterculture emerging | ||
The Democracy (and Chaos) Counterculture, 1915-33 | ||||
1915-21 | Reason-and-science partnership collapses Reason vision fails, science sidelined |
counterculture Chaos vision develops rapidly and influences democracy |
a center of speculation Flaws in democracy sow first seeds of multiculturalism |
III, V(a), VI(d), VI(e), XI(b) |
1921-33 | Science reformulated under influence of chaos in more free-form terms | Democracy
grows cynical and less radical Chaos flourishes |
popular, tied to chaos - then falters c. 1926 More explicit hints of multiculturalism |
III, VI(a), VI(c), VI(d) |
The Science-and-Democracy Partnership, 1933-64 | ||||
1933-39 | Science-and-democracy partnership forms
(New Deal) |
Chaos subordinated to science-and-democracy | Holism becomes a full-fledged vision, touched by intimations of multiculturalism | II, IV(a), VI(c), VI(d), IX(c), XII(b), XIV(a) |
1939-45 | Science-and-democracy
at its peak of dominance Ends with romantic break (technological revolution) |
Chaos takes on greater structure | Romantic break - technological revolution, modernized occultism | IV(a), IV(b), VI(a), XI(b), XIII(b), XIII(d), XIII(e) |
1945-56 | Growing doubts about science-and-democracy | Chaos grows rebellious (beats) | Romantic peak - holism and proto-multiculturalism (civil rights) taking shape | V(b), VI(c), XIII(a), XIII(d), XIII(e), XIV(b), XIV(d) |
1956-64 | Science-and-democracy recovers but rigid and ideological | Chaos-based counterculture emerging | V(b), VI(a), VIII(a), VIII(b) | |
The Chaos (and Holism) Counterculture, 1964-76 | ||||
1964-69 | Science-and-democracy partnership collapses Science vision fails, democracy sidelined |
counterculture Holism vision develops rapidly and influences chaos (participatory knowledge) |
a center of speculation Flaws in chaos sow first seeds of creative imagination |
II, V(c), VI(b), VI(e), VIII(c), VIII(d), X(a), X(d), XI(a), XI(b), XI(c), XI(d), XII(c) |
1969-76 | Democracy reformulated under influence of holism in more organic terms | Chaos
grows cynical and less radical Holism flourishes |
popular, tied to holism - then falters c. 1972 More explicit hints of creative imagination |
X(b), X(c), XII(c), XIV(b) |
The Democracy-and-Chaos Partnership, 1976-2009 | ||||
1976-81 | Democracy-and-chaos partnership forms
(free market) |
Holism subordinated to democracy-and-chaos | Multiculturalism becomes a full-fledged vision, touched by intimations of creative imagination | IX(c), XII(a), XII(b), XII(c), XIV(b), XIV(c), XIV(d) |
1981-87 | Democracy-and-chaos
at its peak of dominance Ends with romantic break (free market?) |
Holism takes on greater structure | Romantic break - hacker ethic, second wave of technological revolution | IX(c), XIII(e), XV(a), XV(b) |
1987-99 | Growing
doubts about democracy-and-chaos |
Holism grows rebellious | Romantic peak - multiculturalism and proto-creative imagination taking shape | XV(b) |
1999-2009 | Democracy-and-chaos recovers but rigid and ideological | Holism-based counterculture emerging | ||
The Holism (and Multiculturalism) Counterculture | ||||
2009-14 | Democracy-and-chaos partnership collapses Democracy vision fails, chaos sidelined |
counterculture Multiculturalism vision develops rapidly and influences holism |
imagination a center of speculation Limits of holism sow first seeds of own successor |
V(a), VIII(a), VIII(c), X(d), XII(a), XII(b), XIV(a), XV(c) |
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